At some point I would like to write a book about my conversion from keen cyclist to obsessive runner. In the meantime I will publish my thoughts on running as blogs. Some of these will form the “bones” of some of the chapters. Charles Dickens serialized many of his novels in weekly or monthly magazines before they were published in book form, and that is what I plan to do with my “book”. The comparison with Dickens ends there – my world of work was filled with architecture diagrams, flow charts, sequence diagrams and code, not words. I have the story mapped out in my head, and broadly the chapters will be:
- The beginning – C25K
- my first 5k
- The last Dragon
- the end of my love of cycling
- Rogers Runners
- the joy of conversational pace running
- First parkrun
- It had to be done!
- Stuck in a rut
- what next
- Coach Kat
- the start of the transformation
- The Kat Curve
- The gravity of age vs training
- 6 PBs in 2024
- All time PBs and 74% age grade
- December 2024, a golden month
- The secret to success
- The real agony of Injury
- It’s not physical
- Goals
- 80% age grade
- What next
- ?
I do not have a timescale for publishing these chapters, and they are unlikely to be published in order!
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